dark avenger game on android conduct mass banned game ini berlagu sombong menggunakan banned

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gems.gold dark avenger ini tetap ada,namun anda tidak bisa bermain di boss fight.dan bermain online lainya

dark avenger game perform mass banned
recently rpg game dark avenger and this in android FullHD became very famous and much in interest by the fans of this game.

when the game is again a hot market and fandom has also been improved with good and lovers of this game even more rapidly came the idea to play dirty in this game, the idea came when they wanted to use kebinggungan high armor and weapons but they could not get how to collect loot in deengan servivel game.

This user one of the main factors thought to play dirty, but if it all it can be purchased or exchanged for loot results of their games, I think this will not happen in this game, as they did hack mengunan gamechi and software in a computer, gems and gold in this game to be unlimited unlimited aliases.

the above cause honest players who play in fold feel lost power on most of it.In fact cheat players who buy gems using private money was being lazy and upset over the incident they were disappointed that itu.sehingga choose the cheat search using google, after a month passed the player using the cheat or cheating is rapidly increasing about 50% of the previous

This factor makes the owners and developers of this game in the loss of his kan.akhir raised its game developers game version is aimed at improving the graphics in the game aims to user ll not able to hack the game.

but this did not deter the players, as we ketahuin out there are still so many smart people in the useful analysis and hack this game, not a long time ago is finally desperate game developer and make notification to each player games, in order to report cheaters their facebook ..

after 2 months have passed, and there was banned in this game, if in the view of banned this game seemed to stop and game lovers wrote ini.bukan id banned but the devices are in use in banned.jadinya players if the user deletes and new megistall this game, still banned.

the very disappoint in this game is this game as admin does not want to reward the players who have previously purchased the honest and gems with their peribadi money,, to the extent that all the players are seen high in banned.seperti gems my friends who buy gems using visa . finally banned as well when he reported to the admin game ini.admin seemed indifferent and did not respond to the user.

so many of the players of this game and leave the game to remove them assess ini.karna no responsibility in the admin game ini.serta still much better game than his as output from gameloft which has much better graphics.

so I wrote this artiklel, I wrote this article at the request of my friend who is very disappointed with the game ini.tq
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dark avenger game android hd 3d grafik yang cukup baik,,untuk gamer android yang suka game rpg ini lah game yang cocok buat kalian semua.4 juli 2013 dark avenger update ke 4x nya yaitu versi 1.0.9 apa aja yang baru di update nya ini 1-New Archer Kelas -Dark Avenger sekarang memiliki 2 kelas yang tersedia: Templar warrior karakter cowok dan mengunakan senjata pedang membunuh lawan & Archer karakter cewek mengunakan panah membunuh lawan- Brilliant 3D Graphics ditampilkan dalam Full HD dengan Dynamic Pencahayaan! - Kamera Side View fitur ditambahkan untuk gameplay dinamis! 2-New 03:03 PvP Pertempuran deadmatch,vs online - Seorang pengguna dapat bergabung kapan saja dalam jaringan 03:03 PvP pertempuran! - Kumpulkan menang / rugi & membunuh / kematian untuk bersaing di peringkat mingguan! 3- Modus permainan baru akan ditambahkan! - Fitur baru di Boss Raid dan mode Death Match akan ditambahkan! - Tahap Baru / senjata / armor / item akan ditambahkan! untuk anda pengemar game saya menyarakan anda mencoba
dark avenger
-! gamevil ini gamenya cukup ringan cuma 30mb kualitas gambar oke navigasi game nya mudah sekali. bisa bermain online membunuh lawan lain nya dan mendapat bp serta perminggu nya mendapatkan gems gratis bos fight membunuh bos dan dapat bp Infinity Tower bertahan hidup melawan monster hadiah mendapat bp setiap 24jam singel player- untuk mencari gold,senjata,dan armor di singel player baru bisa sampai stage 40 maksimal,stage 41 comingsoon, info di singel player untuk daoat senjata yang kuat silahkan fight di stage 32 disana,cari senjata ada magik nya agar bs di upgarade,di stage 32 ada senjata atack nya paling tinggi yang ingin memncoba game ini silahkan ke playstore android atau klik disini maklum pemula blogger maaf kalau ada ketidak jelasan di artikel ini,hehehe
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